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Monday, January 24, 2011

Comfort Food for Rainy Days : when Eggs & Toast Win Out Quite Often

This was a classic French Oeufs en Cocotte recipe to which I added a twist with the addition of a crunchy breadcrumb topping. Method: First I made sure I had a kettle of hot, boiled water at the ready and the oven heated to 350F. Then I buttered the inside of a ramekin. I cracked open two small Marin Sun Farm eggs, one at a time, onto a saucer before gently transfering them to the ramekin, being careful not to break the yolks. I placed the ramekin in an ovenproof dish and the poured water into the dish up to a level half way up the ramekin, before popping it into the preheated oven. I took a handful of fresh white breadcrumbs, a few leaves of fresh thyme, pan-toasted them in a knob of butter until crispy and golden, then set them aside. I took a spoonful of creme fraiche and heated it gently over medium heat until it was reduced by half. After the eggs had been in the oven 5 minutes I kept checking regularly until I saw that the white had just lost its translucency. The egg should still be soft and wobbly, but it will be cooked through. I was brave enough to try and turn the cocotted eggs onto a plate without breaking the yolks. I succeeded and then spooned the warm cream over the eggs before sprinkling with the bread crumbs, but you could more easily eat the eggs in situ, still in the ramekin.

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